quarta-feira, 14 de março de 2012

Just a (love) story...

So, here's the deal. About a year ago (made a few days from now), I went to a great friend of mine's birthday. I didn't knew him much back then but I went, seeing I was going with other friends of mine. I didn't thought that day would be that important to me...

I met someone there... I thought she was cute but I was kinda speaking with someone back then, so it didn't pass the thought of her being cute. A few months later we started talking in mid summer (with no strings attached seeing both of us had other people involved). We saw each other on the beach (on our group of friends), every once in a while on a night out, but we were just friends.

Mid September I changed city. My life demanded it. I left my beautiful island to come study to Lisbon, to College. We were talking and she admitted having a thing for me. The feeling was reciprocous. So we kept on talking, and December 16th, I flew back home for Christmas holidays telling her I would only go on the 17th. I surprised her on that morning in school and she was perplexed to see me (but happy nonetheless).

The reason why I'm writing all of this? It's because tomorrow (16th of March), we'll be making 3 months together. Although apart, we're always together. Thanks for everything Cristina.

PS: I wrote this in english so that you could practise it a little more. And remember, you're my sweetheart :)

quarta-feira, 25 de janeiro de 2012

"The promises we made were not enough
(Never play the game again)
The prayers that we have prayed were like a drug
(Never gonna help me here)
The secrets that we sow we'll never know
(Never sing a song a second time)
The love we had, the love we had
We had to let it go
(Never giving in again, never giving in again)"

terça-feira, 24 de janeiro de 2012

"There comes a point in your life when you realize who really matters, who never did, and who always will."

Eu sei que é uma questão de tempo, e que não há outra alternativa. Mais cedo ou mais tarde, seguirás o teu rumo e terás a tua vida. Chega a um ponto na nossa vida em que as coisas tomam (não o rumo que queremos, mas) o rumo que o que nos rodeia causa. Quer estejas ao meu lado a tocar violão, ou estejas a 

1 641 km

a falar comigo por sms, quero que saibas que és das pessoas mais importantes da minha vida. Admiro-te como pessoa, és exemplar, e és um modelo que muita gente devia de seguir no que toca a Amizade. Sei que tenho-te como apoio e também me tens para o que precisares. Por isso mesmo digo-te que posso estar triste por saber que te vais embora, mas nunca te esquecerei, e quero que saibas que o que te vai acontecer vai ser uma das partes mais importantes da tua vida, e mais ninguém a não ser tu, é que poderão experienciar isso. Por tudo o que fizeste, fazes e farás, um OBRIGADO não basta, mas de momento é o que te posso dar (quando aí chegar compenso-te :D ). Obrigado por teres falado comigo para sairmos no dia da final da Taça, nunca me esquecerei.

today I feel alive! :D

Fuck this shit! I'm not perfect, but then again nobody is.

Reamonn - Star

"You know I did most anything 
You know I change the world 
You know I do most anything 
For my little girl"